Peer Review Process

Advances in Computer Science, ACS is a peer-reviewed journal, blindly judged by a set of professors specialized in Computer Science and other related, regularly issued in yearly bases.

عند قيام الباحث بتحميل البحث الخاص به علي الموقع، يتم اعداد نسخة من البحث مصنفة برقم البحث بدون اسم الباحث حتي يكون اسم الباحث معمي عن المراجعين، حيث يتم استخدام هذه النسخة لأغراض التحكيم , وبعد انتهاء التحكيم وظهور نتيجة البحث يتم اعادة اسم الباحث للبحث حتي يمكن مخاطبته بنتيجة تحكيم البحث.

During the research submission, the researcher should omit his personal data (name, affiliation, e-mail, …) from the research before submission, else, the journal editorial board should do to guarantee that the journal is blindly judged.

The peer-reviewing process of the Journal of the ACS Advances in Computer Science can be summarized as follows:

- The researcher submits his research on the Journal of the ACS website, according to the following items: the research name, the research specialty, the submission date and time, and the researcher title. Then the site displays the research identification number. Noting that the researcher or author data; the name, affiliation, e-mail, phone numbers or any other personal information is canceled from the research. The researcher should do this during submission, or the journal editorial board do this.

  • The list of Journal of the ACS reviewers is classified according to their specialties.
  • Then two reviewers are selected to review the research.
  • The research, then, is sent to the assigned two reviewers for reviewing.
  • The selected two reviewers have been reviewing the research and fill the review form. The result of review process results in three variants, they are:
  • Accepted.
  • Accepted with modifications.
  • Refused.

As soon as the review result have been received from the two reviewers, the research evaluation process can be as follows:

  • In case the research is accepted by both reviews, the research is accepted.
  • In case the research is accepted with major or minor modifications by one or both reviews, the researcher should cover the modifications.
  • The editorial board insures that the researcher has cover the modifications and accepts the research.
  • In case the research is rejected from one reviewer, another reviewer is assigned for reviewing. Only one-third reviewer is assigned.
  • In case the research is rejected from the two reviewers, the research is rejected.

As a conclusion, two reviewers should accept the research of the three assigned reviewers.

  • On the other hand, other policies governing the journal's work procedures can be as follows:
  • The date of receipt of the research represents the precedence of publishing the research in the current journal issue if accepted.
  • The reviewer reviews the research and prepares a review report for the status of the research.
  • The researcher is allowed to modify his research according to the results of reviewing his research two times only
  • Researchers are allowed to access the journal's database to view various research for the purpose of assisting in the preparation of researches·  It is allowed to view the Abstract of any published research without paying any fees for viewing it.