Facts & Figures
Number of Volumes  13
Number of Issues  13
Number of Articles  77
Article View  9,483
PDF Download  15,144
View Per Article  123.16
PDF Download Per Article  196.68

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The Advances in Computer Science journal (ACS) is dedicated to the advancement of computer science research. The ACS is issued by the Higher Institute of Computers and Information Technology, El-Shorouk Academy, since 2007. It is a double-blinded, refereed journal that publishes original research papers in all areas of computer science. The journal seeks to promote the exchange of ideas and knowledge among researchers in the field. It also provides an opportunity for authors to present their work to a wide audience of peers and experts in the field. The journal strives to maintain high standards of quality and relevance, while encouraging innovative research and development. All papers are subject to rigorous peer review before publication. We welcome submissions from both established and emerging researchers in computer science, as well as from industry practitioners.

Current Issue: Volume 14, Issue 1, 2023